Sunday, 7 May 2017

08/05/2017 - Some normality

It's been over a week since the HALO was removed and I'm still smiling.   I feel like myself again. It's great how simple things are, I hardly even notice I am wearing the Miami J.  Showers are lovely, sleeping is easy, hugging is the best thing ever...I have noticed that I have been more tired than usual, which reminds me it's not quite over yet and my body is still trying to heal. I am not encouraged to move my neck much but there is definitely some movement returning.  It's exciting but I'm not going to push it too far.  My neck and shoulders feel quite stiff when I get up in the morning but this eases as the day goes on.

The pin sights are looking ok, they are a still a bit pink and indented. The front right is more indented and noticeable then the left, there will definitely be a more prominent scar there.  To my own surprise, I'm not as bothered by what the scars will look like as I was when the HALO was first put on.  I guess after what I've been through they will be small badges of honour for enduring 10 weeks with my head in a cage!

Pin sites 10 days after removal

I am still staying with C's folks but looking forward to returning to site next week.  I have an appointment for X-Rays at the Alfred on Friday, which was my original removal date.  I've been thankful for the last week as I can begin thinking about what's next but, in a way, I can still take it easy and not feel pressured to rush back into things.  My activities are still somewhat limited in the collar but I can start looking for a job and a house all over again, this time with a bit more enthusiasm!  

The most frustrating thing about the collar is I still can't go and get my hair done until I stop wearing it full time.  If the HALO has taught me anything, however, it's patience.  Also, I feel I'm less concerned about my appearance now.  I still can't wait for a cut and dye but, hey, now the HALO is gone, I can wear hats again!

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20/06/2017 - It's been a while

I have been meaning to update this sooner but time is really getting away now I'm HALO free.  I re-read all my posts and it's weird ...